Why User-Generated Content (UGC) is the Future

Why User-Generated Content (UGC) is the Future

Traditionally, advertising and marketing have usually resembled one-sided conversations with brands talking and consumers listening. Consumers today are growing increasingly sceptical of traditional advertising. Glossy magazine spreads, TV advertisements, and billboards no longer having the same desired impact as they did in generations past. 

People have access to endless streams of information via their phones, entrusting authentic UGC and opinions to inform their purchases. The rise of AI and content creation makes such content easier to access and digest, with authenticity being a key driving factor. 

UGC is also emerging as an essential marketing asset for brands now, where they can convey their desired message and evoke the desired responses from an audience that craves more personalised and relatable marketing media.

What is UGC?

UGC can take many forms, but its core characteristics resemble content that’s been created by consumers themselves, be it text, images, videos, graphics, and so on. Having such access to a plethora of content created by end-users in a similar audience segment reinforces brand authenticity, bringing them closer to their consumers, and resonating with their pain points a lot more. 

This shift is influencing modern content creation and changing how brands connect with their audiences. Let’s look at how and why UGC commands such increased attention through carefully worded and curated content that can persuade, inform, educate, and engage.

What Makes People Notice UGC?

Consumers pay closer attention to content that is made for - and by - real people. Endorsing and using a product, or explaining a real-life use case of a service through experience, is undoubtedly far more persuasive and convincing than traditional advertising which relies on hyperbole, metaphors, and somewhat flawed or unrealistic narratives to tell brand stories.

Recent statistics tell a vivid story. In recent research by Flowbox found that UGC is 5x more likely to create a conversion than traditional advertising models. 

With that in mind, it’s important to examine the defining characteristics of effective, engaging user-generated content.


Consumers crave genuine experiences over polished and sensationalist advertisements. UGC allows brands to showcase real and empowering customer experiences. This is used to educate their audience and reinforce key insights and benefits of the brand itself. 

Authenticity is pivotal in building trust and fostering relationships with prospective customers, which is vital in a cut-throat, competitive market like today. One peer review or social media post praising a brand’s product or customer service can be instrumental in building a bigger network of trust among its audience, with multiple endorsements equating to more tangible business referrals, recommendations, and income.

The Influence of Gen Z and Short-Form Video

Short-form video has surged in recent years, particularly among younger generations, which has also driven UGC upwards. Platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels have popularised bite-sized content that’s easy to consume, share, and react to. It’s believed that 73% of consumers prefer short-form videos to search for products or services. This type of content receiving 2.5 times more engagement than long-form videos.

Brands are understandably taking notice of this, leveraging similar types of videos to engage and reach younger audiences who value speed, engagement, and relatability. Short-form social media videos created by users offer a subtle and unfiltered glimpse into branded products and services, with their thoughts and ideas adding tangible value and making them more appealing to younger viewers.

Improving UGC with Professional Tools

It can be argued that UGC thrives on authenticity and more ‘raw’, unedited footage. However, incorporating some professional equipment and tools can undoubtedly elevate the content quality.

High-quality digital cameras, for example, can make user-generated videos look sharper and film-esque while retaining their authentic ambience and feel. Film industry-approved photography cameras like the Fujifilm X10, X100 or the Nikon Df and D200 are excellent choices. 

Additionally, using royalty-free music from platforms like Filmstro can enhance the emotion and tone of UGC. Thus, it makes it more engaging and memorable. Music - whether subtle or impactful - can work wonders at evoking the desired response from a brand audience. By applying sad, ambient music to convey an emotional story, tense and suspenseful orchestral music to build up to a key event, or sound effects for comedic or dramatic impact, music can take UGC to the next level.

This shows that subtle edits and post-production tweaks can still make authentic UGC feel genuine. This is especially the case if it’s coming from a brand or person with a defined aesthetic.

Marketing Benefits of UGC 

UGC plays a significant role in helping brands promote their products, services and messages through numerous marketing channels.

Search engine optimisation (SEO), a constantly evolving marketing practice is complemented well by UGC and genuine, authentic messaging. One of Google’s most prominent ranking factors in recent years has been content that engages and is relevant to users. This is preferred to using search engines. Thus, brands and websites that prioritise user and customer reviews, engaging and relevant content that demonstrates E-E-A-T principles, and positive user experience (all of which make up good UGC), will be best placed to succeed in organic search.

UGC is also prominently featured throughout social media channels. It's used for short-form video platforms like TikTok to image-friendly ones like Instagram and Snapchat, and even dynamic ones like X and LinkedIn, with specific audience niches. When these platforms are filled with UGC, they have a tendency to ‘trend’. With users’ innate inhibition to follow the crowd (known as social proof), people assume the content is worth digesting. Brands that leverage this successfully will be more likely to be seen as popular, authentic, and reliable. 

Additionally, UGC makes for great mailshot and email marketing material. If messaging and call to actions (CTAs) are crafted in line with the content’s narrative, open rates and click-through rates (CTR) can drastically improve, certainly compared to tried-and-tested and uninspiring subject lines and content that doesn’t satisfy a recipient’s pain point.

UGC can also provide valuable insights for product development for brands. Reviews, feedback, and tests from customers serve as valuable and often low-cost market research. This highlights prominent strengths and glaring weaknesses or drawbacks in your products. From this, businesses can refine their offerings based on feedback from test subjects and influencers (who may have been sent demos to promote as part of an advertising deal), verbally acknowledging this in comments and communications on public forums or social media platforms. This transparency and accountability further demonstrates a commitment to listen to their audience, which is a cornerstone of modern UGC.

Unlocking the UGC Advantage

Content creators can take influence from the rise in UGC. They can take solace in the fact that they may use it ethically, authentically, and creatively, they have a chance to make a name for themselves. While UGC offers a plethora of benefits, it’s vital to ensure permission is obtained when, for example, showcasing a customer or creator’s review, photos or videos, to prevent any unforeseen challenges being made. When handled respectfully and transparently, though, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Using UGC - whether used spontaneously or planned - can create a sense of ownership that creators can use to their advantage. By extension, customers reap their benefits. If their stories are front and centre on a brand’s platform, it fosters a deeper sense of community and connection. This mutual exchange strengthens brand loyalty among a community of like-minded users who are part of the brand’s growing journey. 


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