Top tips for organising Premiere Pro efficiently in 2021

Top tips for organising Premiere Pro efficiently in 2021

Every video editor dreams of having an organised filming and editing system. The truth is, working on multiple projects can be draining and ineffective.

Hence there is a need to have things organised and moving, especially in Premiere pro. Getting organised will also make it easy for you to get files in the future without digging through the many files. Here we will show you the top tips for organising Premiere Pro efficiently in 2021.

How Premiere pro works

Once you open premiere pro and start editing footage, the program automatically assigns it a storage file. It also gives you a clear blueprint of how to get to your storage file. But if you're not careful or have too many files you're working on; it can be easy to mess up and forget where some footage is stored.

The result? Imagine having a pressing deadline, and you cannot remember where the project file is found? Absolute nightmare.

That's why it's important to organise your files on premiere pro. It would help to also group the files according to the projects and footages relevance.

Importance of keeping things organised.

There's no denying just how important organisational skills are to a video editor. The thing is, there are not many video editors who realise they need to get organised. To them, we say "you need to organize files on premiere pro". Here is why;

Saves time

Getting organised, not just in premiere pro, will greatly save you time. And as we all know, time in video editing is money.

Improves efficiency

If you're working on multiple projects, knowing where each project is will greatly improve makes you effective.

Improves Cooperation

Imagine working on a project with multiple editors? Getting files without any organisation will be a nightmare. When a team follows a similar storage pattern, it'll be easier for everyone to know where everything is stored, which improves the whole team’s productivity.

Every video editor, working solo or in a team, needs to get their premiere pro organised. So, how do you do it?

Open your premiere pro and go straight to the project panel tab. Here, you're free to create bins or folders as known elsewhere.

So, how do you create a new bin? Simply right-click anywhere inside the project file and hit the new bin.

To make it easier for you to get organised, may we suggest creating bins based on specific parts of the film? Check out these examples of bins base on the most common film projects;

  • Assets bin
  • Music bin
  • Footage bin
  • Sequences bin
  • Audio bin
  • Setting up the audio bin

Let's get one thing clear; there is a difference between audio and music. By audio we mean anything recorded by mic, including dialogue and other audio, is taken on a shoot.

Organise these files based on the shoot day and align this with bins in the footage folders. Name them according to interviews or dialogue names.

The final cut

Files need to be organised. Having a messed-up premiere pro is demoralising. Make a habit of following a specific pattern, which most video editors assume is a lot of work, but it works wonders. Before working on any project, ensure you know where every file will go.

For the video editors without a plan, go forth and make one. It'll improve your efficiency.


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