Our top 4 filmmaking collaboration apps

In this current period, flexible working is key to succeeding in filmmaking and keeping a steady income. Filmmaking collaboration apps make this process smooth and successful.

It’s incredibly important for teams to remain connected while they’re working. We’re used to working side by side, sharing ideas and thinking collaboratively. However, there are a range of great collaboration apps available to ensure you can still achieve these things with your team. Here are our top four.  


Frame.io is an incredible app, it’s at the top of the list for reviewing rough cuts and final drafts. Once your staff are all on board you can review each step of your production and comment, draw and select each part they want to amend. This makes achieving team visibility scenes people wish to alter very easy, saving a huge amount of time and unnecessary email chains!


MASV is the fastest and most reliable way to transfer large video files and there’s no subscription needed, it’s “pay as you go”. I have found that other file sharing websites sometimes don’t have enough capacity, can be too slow or they’ve even crashed during a transfer. I now use MASV to transfer my time-sensitive files as they manage any potential crashes with their high-performance, accelerated global network. It also has an easy-to-use interface and the workflow is very straight forward, saving you time both pre-send and the time for the file transfer.


When you think of Celtx, you instantly think screenwriting software. You’re correct, but it has so many more capabilities entwined into it. It has great built-in collaboration tools which allow the crew to contribute and collaborate on each project, ranging from storyboards, shot lists, budget sheets and scripts. It’s a great app and worth a look.


Usually you would be crowded in a room for creative meetings to bounce ideas off another, but obviously this isn’t currently possible. Mindmeister is a great substitute. Mindmeister is a mind mapping tool, perfect for pre-production that allows users to share ideas, brainstorm and plan for upcoming shoots. The visual side of this tool allows you to breakdown and easily understand the path of your project. Mindmeister keeps everything stored on a cloud, allowing all members of your team to contribute and question throughout the process.  


We hope you enjoyed this article on the best filmmaking collaboration apps, check out our other blogs here.

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P.S. Stay safe out there!

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