Watching filmmaking tutorial online

The top tutorials to improve your filmmaking

Whether it’s editing your final footage or starting the script outline for your film, there is a lot to be learnt over the production of a film. Here we look at the top tutorials to improve your filmmaking, upping your game and developing your craft in time for your next visual masterpiece.

One of the best investments you can give yourself is time, particularly time to develop yourself and invest in your own capabilities. The best way to improve your filmmaking is by diving in and watching the tutorials from industry experts to replicate their tips in your work. It doesn’t matter if you’re at the start of your filmmaking journey or a few years in, there is always something new for you to learn. Take a look below at the top tutorials to improve your filmmaking.

Watching filmmaking tutorial online

Improve your filmmaking with a killer screenplay

A good story is the backbone of any good film. If you have a shaky plot or unrealistic characters, then you’ve instantly lost your audience.

Writing a killer screenplay is one of the first things filmmakers will do, bar the script outline. These tips will improve your screenwriting and help you advance in the craft. An important focus point is the development of the conflict in a script. Conflict is integral to a story and works to captivate your audience. The guys at Film Courage do an incredible job in breaking down the key tips to improve your screenplay and screenwriting skills here.

Gold Video editing tips

In this video, D4Darius walks through all the essential editing techniques a filmmaker will need. These are often the last task a filmmaker must perform, yet these are some of the most important. Without them, your film will look unprofessional, rushed and sub-par.

This video shows the core practices for editing your film that can be transferred onto any editing platform. These are the fundamentals when editing in post-production and will help you hone your editing skills.

To check out our favourite free video editing software platforms for indie filmmakers, please follow this link.

How to source a film crew

Sourcing the right film crew is integral to bringing your film to life - filmmaking is very much a collaborative effort. You need to understand how the film crew works, how the film production works but most importantly how to communicate effectively with your team. Efficiency is key to running a smooth filmmaking operation.

You also need to understand all the different roles for the job, when they’re needed? Who to employ for the job? This video covers all the aspects of building the right production crew for your film.

The different shot angles to tell your story

The way you frame your shots is imperative to tell your story as a filmmaker. This video is essential for you to understand the art of framing and practising the crucial shots.

You will learn the basics of framing but also how to build upon the different shots you can capture and how they compliment your creative decision making.

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P.S. Stay safe out there!

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