Best free video editing software for Indie Filmmakers

Finding the best free video editing software can be time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be that way. While some aren’t very advanced, there is an abundance of intuitive and high-quality free editing software available. These options are great for filmmakers who are new to the business as there’s no one-off costs or monthly committal. You can use free software to hone your post-production skills whilst producing high quality, worthy content.

Our best free video editing software's include...



Blender is an open-source free video editing software and is widely considered to be one of the best. It’s perfect for any level of user. It was originally built as a 3d animation suite but has slowly developed into a leading video editing software.

Blender comes with everything you need in post-production. It includes essential features such as luma waveform, chroma vectorscope and histogram displays. These allow you to precisely edit visuals, and mix, sync and scrub audio to create quality work.

Da Vinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve 16

Da Vinci Resolve is similar to Blender in terms of the advanced features it offers; they’re intuitive with a multitude of tools that enable you to expertly craft your footage in post-production.

One of the standout features is the colour correction tool which enables you to perfect individual clips. This feature isn’t usually available in free software, and the quality of this tool matches that of the most expensive platforms. Other top features are the Multicam editing options and the audio mastering tools.



Shotcut is like Blender as they’re both are open source programs. One of the biggest perks of Shotcut is that it supports 4K video editing.

The editing timeline functionality is one of the biggest selling points, it’s easy to use and efficient when making quick edits. The colouring features are easy to use on your footage too. Shotcut is less advanced than the others in this list and so is perfect for anyone new to editing.

HitFilm Express

HitFilm Express

HitFilm Express is another top piece of editing software. It’s a professional-looking package with an abundance of features. One of our favourites is its array of composition tools - something you don’t often see in paid editing software. It has some intricate features that will help you craft your footage including:

  • Keying for green screen effects
  • Compositing tools
  • Advanced cutting tools
  • Layers and masking tools

Overall, there are plenty of free video editing software's out there that don’t cost a penny and will allow you to produce high-quality content.

We hope you enjoyed this article on the best free video editing software. Now check out our top 4 filmmaking collaboration apps here for the next step in your production.

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