The top storyboarding apps that will help you with your next film

The top storyboarding apps that will help you with your next film

Top storyboarding apps:

In this day and age, creating something digitally and sharing with your peers to comment and review is important to sustaining an efficient workflow process - storyboarding is no different.

Gone are the days where people are using a pen and pencil; it’s now all digitally created and shared to help increase productivity and workflow.

Don’t get me wrong, whilst mapping out a short film or a feature film, there is nothing wrong with grabbing a pen and pencil and noting down your own sketches to help you with the writing process.

It’s an integral part of pre-production, so working with your team to etch out your film is incredibly important. It helps build the story and helps all departments in their role in the pre-production stages to building an outlook of the film.

This article will look at the key ingredients of a storyboarding app and our personal favourites.

What you need your storyboard to provide you with

When creating a storyboard, there are a few aspects you need to bring forward to help you achieve a stellar storyboard. This will help develop your film and create a storyboard with substance.

Here are the key aspects you need from your storyboarding app:

  • Focus on the keyframe and the timing of the plot.
  • They visualise your story in the correct way to help departments get an idea of what they need to do to bring the story to life.
  • They define the technical parameters. E.g motion and cameras.
  • You will need it to be speedy. A slow storyboard can frustrate and annoy users, you want it to display the story in the correct order, and the user to be able to flick through it with ease.
  • More of the above. You need the app to flow correctly. So anytime a user flicks it up they can get to the part they need to visualise their scene. For example, a wardrobe will want to envisage what props and clothes they need to dress a scene to match the feeling. 

The top storyboarding apps that will help you with your next film

Here is our list of the top storyboarding apps that will help you with your next film:

Celtx Shots

If you like their screenwriting software, you may have heard of this already. It’s a great app and syncs perfectly with CeltX, so the two in combination will improve your filmmaking workflow no end.

It has the needed image and sketch options and allows you to layout your storyboard with relative ease. The sync between the screenwriting software and storyboard is definitely the biggest selling point of CeltX.

The interface is average and can be clunky but the integration and aspects to the app definitely bring this storyboarding app to the forefront.

Storyboard Animator

This app is easy and simple to use. The setup is smooth, and the flow of drawings works perfectly for all filmmakers. The free flow drawing can be an issue if you are not a good artist but the rest of the app pulls you through.

Incredibly developed, easy to use, and fast-flowing to allow collaboration with each department. One we recommend and possibly the best for indie filmmakers. Check it out today on the app stores.

Shot Pro

This app is quite similar to Previs and Previs Pro but definitely one to watch out for. One of the best features of Shot Pro is the fact you can add movement to your storyboards, this helps you bring your idea to life.

At a reasonable cost of $40, we definitely recommend it.


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