The Top 3 Audio Editing Software in 2021

The Top 3 Audio Editing Software in 2021

Top audio editing software:

Audio is an essential part of the filmmaking process. Poor audio can ruin films, so you must invest in a good audio editing program to ensure you tweak your audio to the best possible quality.

But don’t worry, audio editing software doesn’t have to be expensive when you're shopping around. But, it must be of the highest quality.

We’ve trawled through 20+ audio editing programs and have decided on our favourite three pieces of software. Not all based on price, but that is a factor. We’ve found it on the overall functionality, output and cost to provide you with the best 3 audio editing platforms out there.

Right, let’s check them out below!

The Top 3 Audio Editing Software in 2021

Here we go - this is a breakdown of the top 3 audio editing software in 2021. These three are listed in their own rights; some are paid for apps, others are free. But they all have the one common denominator - quality.


Audacity is up first. I personally enjoy using this program for audio editing. Yep, I know it doesn’t have all the features, but it’s incredible for a free audio editing app.

One of the best features of the app is the background noise removal tool. You can improve your audio no end using this, and it’s so simple to use. Check out our article here on how you can remove background noise in Audacity.

The final thing I like about Audacity is its usability. Functionally it’s simple, but the output is incredible. I’ve used it plenty of times to edit audio on both commercials and film, and it’s never let me down.

I guess the only negative point is the reduced functionality. However, I feel this is definitely for beginner filmmakers as there is no financial outlay, and you can edit audio to a high quality.

Audacity is definitely one to look out for. 

Price: Free.

Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition is up next. This is a pricey bit of software but certainly justifies the price. Also, just to note, if you get it as part of the monthly Adobe Creative Cloud package, it’s so much cheaper.

Onto the good stuff!

Audition’s audio correction tools are insanely good; the depth in which you can go in to ensure your audio is as crisp as possible - without distorting the quality, is incredible.

It comes with all the basics, so cutting and splitting audio is a smooth process. It works in unison with Premiere Pro, and we highly recommend using Audition if you currently have an Adobe subscription. This allows you to edit different bits of media on each platform in a seamless way.

Perfect for nailing your workflow and becoming an efficient editor.

I guess the only downside is that it’s a little on the expensive side.

Overall this is studio-quality audio editing software. We highly recommend it.

Cost: Dependent on subscription.

DaVinci Resolve Fairlight

Yep, another free program. But it’s incredible. A quality piece of audio editing software that should not be sniffed at. Brimming with tools and features, any editor would be happy with.

Our favourite feature is the integration with the video editing app. You can simultaneously edit across both. Instead of tweaking the audio in the video editor, you can edit it in a detailed manner through Fairlight whilst keeping the links tight.

Ultimately this will provide you with well-rounded footage and a crisp sound, something so important when making your film. Poor audio = poor audience experience. Using Fairlight will not disappoint you or your audience.

It has all the creative tools you’ll want to use today. It offers excellent features where you can link to a sound library and then search for and import sound effects without leaving the app.

This is a huge time saver and one that will help your editing workflow.

Cost: Free


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