Improving Your Creativity in Filmmaking

Improving Your Creativity in Filmmaking

Improving Creativity in Filmmaking:

Creating a film from start to finish takes excellent effort. You need to put your best foot forward and bring in the A-game. Improving creativity in filmmaking is very important.

Filmmaking tends to be more intense from start to finish, and making a film will push you to your limits. At times, most filmmakers and writers experience what is called “writer’s block”. A state where you can hardly come up with anything concrete.

What do you do when you feel like you cannot come up with a solid idea? What do you do when your creative energy feels depleted?

Do you quit, or do you dig deeper? Well, to be honest, there are times in every filmmaker’s career when they hit a mental block. It happens to everyone, from pros to beginners.

Here’s how to overcome this.

How to improve your creativity daily.

Though the creative industry appears different from all others, it’s still similar. As filmmakers, we can borrow a lot from other industries so much as how to improve creativity in filmmaking.

Improving your creativity in filmmaking is key and here are a few tips to help you get going again;

Eat healthily and exercise daily.

It all starts with your body. That’s the start and finish of every good thing in your life. Indeed, without a tremendous mental and physical state, you aren’t in a position to do anything creative. Live a healthy life.

Eat well, sleep better, exercise, and go for your physical. It’s as simple as that. Your well-being plays such an essential role in all this. To be creative, a thriving creative, you need to watch your health. Keep physically fit, and your mental and creative side will fall in line.

Alone time works wonders.

Creativity needs a lot of alone time. Being in a quiet environment will do you a world of good. Learn to normalise being alone with your thoughts. It helps shape your ideas.

Sitting alone in a quiet and comfortable space will have awkward moments but will bring in great reviews. When you are alone, your thoughts roam around, and you will awaken your creative nature like never before.

Avoid noisy places as it is hard to let your thoughts run wild in a noisy and crowded place.

Learn to jot down points daily

We are habitual beings. It is in our nature to learn and pick up habits easily. When it comes to the creative side, you need to know how to write your thoughts down. Remember those random, sporadic thoughts that you think will be a boom; write it down.

It might just be the big break you’ve been looking for. Create a habit of writing down thoughts. They may be random, unrelated and far-fetched, but write it down. With each passing day, ensure you jot down your ideas. It will work wonders for you.

Read extensively

Reading helps. The more you read, the more you get to know more. The best thoughts, the hidden treasures of this world are found in books.

There are so many resources that you can tap by reading. Read far and wide. Read well outside your normal comfort zone. It will enlarge your thoughts, change your perspective and ignite your creativity.

Watch lots of films

People draw inspirations from all over. One such area to draw inspirations from is by watching other peoples’ film. Watch a lot of movies.

It will incite a lot of creativity and give you the extra push. By watching other people’s film, you are promoting other filmmaker’s work and gaining invaluable insights.

Network, network and network.

Iron sharpens iron. It takes a creative mind to sharpen another. By the way, networking doesn’t always mean in-person events. It can be a conversation with another filmmaker, a chat about screenwriting routines, even social media interactions count!

With this realisation, you will find yourself networking and interacting more with other filmmakers. By talking and exchanging ideas, you will learn and know more than you would when alone.

Get out there. Go to the networking events, talk to fellow filmmakers.

Take breaks and lots of them!

Working too much doesn’t help much. Yes, it would be best if you met deadlines. Yes, you must complete certain milestones soon. But take a break. Re-energised. Re-organise. You will come back better and more relaxed.

You could leave your desk, take a stroll, and grab snack - whatever works for you. After the break, you will have better ideas. Avoid staring at your screen for long hours. It’s counterproductive.


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