Call for submissions for short film festival

Call for submissions for short film festival

Short film festival submissions!

Indie Shorts Mag (ISM), a digital publishing platform for indie filmmakers, is announcing their first-ever online short film festival. Commemorating their 6th anniversary on the 13th of July 2021, Indie Shorts Mag Short Film Festival (ISMSFF) 2021 plans to feature short films & documentaries from across the globe. 

For its 2021 edition ISM has partnered with us at Filmstro. We are providing a new experience to its participants in making their movie making and viewing experience truly unique.

On the 13th of July 2021, Indie Shorts Mag Short Film Festival (ISMSFF) 2021 will feature short films & documentaries from all over the world online. Filmmakers can submit their work until the 1st July 2021 for a nominal fee at

In addition, anybody reading this can also get 50% off the submission entry price with the coupon: FILMSTRO50 

A combination of judges' scorecards and the audience choice awards will determine who the winner is and this will be declared on the 13th July 2021. 

The festival will feature 9 awards categories.  

  •  The best Direction
  • Best Cinematography
  • Best Editing
  • Audience Choice Awards (Most Voted Film)
  • Best Music
  • Best Screenplay
  • The best Poster


Winners from the ‘Short Film’ & ‘Documentary’ categories will be awarded a lifetime Filmstro Pro Plus account worth $6k each. In addition, winners from the remaining categories shall receive a Filmstro Pro lifetime account worth $3k each. Not to forget, the film that receives the most votes via the online polls, will receive the Audience Choice awards. Voters stand to win a $100 Amazon gift card. 

For this year’s edition, we have arranged for a screening of the best fiction shorts, handpicked documentaries and videos during its 2-hour long event scheduled for the 13th July 2021, 10:00 AM (EDT), wherein the audience and panelists will get to choose their favourites. 

The festival entry is free, and the free tickets can be purchased at

About Indie Shorts Mag: 

Indie Shorts Mag was set up with the singular purpose of celebrating cinema and everything revolving around it. It caters to filmmakers and cinephiles alike as a medium to connect over their common passion beyond the confines of any language. Besides hosting reviews, interviews, tutorials, and news related to short films, indie films, foreign-language films & festivals; it also works around the web series and music videos’ circuit. 

We envision expanding ourselves to form a home ground that holds curated training sessions with some of the leading experts from the film fraternity across the globe. In our effort to stay above the din, we have a dedicated panel of writers, critics and reviewing team who crusade to ensure that the content generated is both authentic and uncompromised. To conclude, our motto is to establish Indie Shorts Mag as the go-to, for all seeking authentic information on independent cinema. 


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