The sound of Stranger Things

Since the release of season one, we’ve all be enamored with the nostalgic Netflix exclusive that revolves around a group of boys and a girl with superpowers, trying to keep an evil force from entering their dimension and killing everyone (RIP Bob). One of the things that have made this series unforgettable is that it draws on nostalgia and takes viewers back to the late 80s and early 90s. Everything from the sets, costumes and props to the colour grading, camera moves and soundtrack is reminiscent of an era when Speilberg reigned supreme.

The team behind the series have really gone above and beyond to craft an authentic 80s feel to the series and that is evident from the very beginning… literally, the opening title sequence. It has been done in a way to emulate title sequences on television from the 80s.

The most memorable part of the title sequence and quite possibly the entire show is the opening and credit soundtrack (written and performed by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein). This really helps cement the 80s vibe whilst adding a sense of uneasy eeriness thanks to using a beat that is reminiscent of a heartbeat. Throw in the mix some synths and immediately, you’re starting to feel a sense of something supernatural and magical about to happen.

Whether you’re a fan of the Stranger Things series we think you’ll definitely appreciate these Stranger Things inspired soundtracks from the Filmstro library. If you’ve been inspired to make a film or video that carries that nostalgic supernatural feeling to it, you can always download Filmstro from our website for free and start keyframing these soundtracks to your video.


Like what you heard? Head over to our music page and check out our library of soundtracks that are all adaptable inside the Filmstro app. 

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Find out why Filmstro is the next must-have addition to your post-production toolkit!

Check out this 1-minute Demo to see the power of Filmstro in action. Using an awesome Star Wars fan film as an edit, watch how to make real-time changes to a cinematic underscore to perfectly match the music to the visuals. Saving a ton of time and money! 


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