One Minute Short Film Contest 2018 | Guide and Rules

The Filmstro & Film Riot 'One Minute Short' film contest is back and better than ever


We know how much you guys love making films and we love watching them - that’s why we’re proud to be hosting another Filmstro & Film Riot One Minute Short Film Contest!

The competition submission deadline is: December 3rd. To be sure that your entry has qualified please plan ahead and enter before this date.

You can submit your film via our submission page:

Let's jump right in with the competition details:

  • You MUST create a one minute (that means 60 seconds) short film. Not a frame over. If you want to add credits or endings to your short film… do it in those 60 seconds! Anything over 60 seconds risks being disqualified.

  • Your short film can NOT be a documentary, it film needs to be scripted (this doesn't mean there needs to be any dialogue) but other than that you can choose pretty much ANY genre for your film and make it about whatever you want it to be about.

  • Your film MUST use music from Filmstro ONLY in it - (You can gain free access to Filmstro by signing up on our Film Riot page: You can use as much or as little Filmstro music in your film as you'd like… that's really down to you!

  • You MUST submit your film by December 3rd 12pm CST (not a second later or you run the risk of being disqualified!). You must submit the film via our submissions page: You MUST upload your film directly to Youtube or Vimeo and add the URL to when submitting your film.

  • You can deliver your film as early as you'd like (starting NOW!)

  • Winners will be announced approximately 2 weeks after the competition (this may vary as we have a lot of films to get through).

  • Good luck to you all!

Below are some commonly asked questions that we’ve answered for you too.

  1. Is the competition open internationally?

Hell Yeah! In fact it's the most 'open' competition in the universe. If you're from anywhere in our universe and want to participate in this competition, you can.

  1. I'm a student, can I enter too?

Yes, again! We’re all students of Filmmaking so just go out there and make the best 60 second film you've ever done.

  1. Can I upload enter multiple films to the competition?

There are NO limits on the number of films you can enter. Upload as many as you want but remember, these films are being judged on their quality!

  1. All the Filmstro music is still locked! How can I access it?

You need to go to: and click on the big button that reads: ‘Activate Filmstro for Free". You'll be asked to login or signup (do that!) and then click on the big button again and voila. You can now login to the Filmstro app and see the entire library is unlocked! Have fun.

  1. Does the short film have to be exactly one minute or can it be more?

It can't be a second over one minute or you run the risk of being disqualified. It's really not worth it when there's so many great prizes at stake.

If you're still not sure about all the rules, you can get in touch with us via email

We wish you all the best!


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