Filmstro Update - Roadmap

Hey guys. We’re super excited to share what we’re working on right now. We’ve received lots of awesome feedback from the community since we released our new Web App in the Spring and we’re now putting our money where our mouth is to turn all the feedback into reality!

Cut-down Versions

First up is a new feature that will provide cut-downs for our templates. So if you need a 60 second or 30 second edit, or even just a short 10-15 second bumper, then we’ve got you covered. These will be available as a choice on initial load and all of these versions will still be completely adaptable with the Filmstro scoring sliders, giving you even more control to get closer to your edit! 

Browse - Music Search and Discovery

Next, we’re working on several things at once that we’re going to release as a major update later this year. For those of you who have used (or still use) our desktop applications, this will be a welcome update because we’re bringing music search & discovery into the App.

An additional benefit (which is an improvement on our desktop app’s feature set) is that you’ll also be able to audition the music alongside your video during the search and discovery process as the music that will be loaded on search is going to be streamed instantly and synchronised with your video.

Favouriting and Global Volume

We’re also going to add some quality of life updates like (1) ‘favouriting’ so you can create a list of templates that you want to return to quickly for convenience and (2) a global volume control that will allow you to turn down the volume of the music if you’re finding it hard to hear the video audio from your imported preview video edit.

Live "Slider-Control Record-Mode"

One of the most frequently requested features is the ‘live’ slider-control record-mode that existed in the desktop application. We are going to tackle this as well and release it this year so that you can create completely custom transitions and keyframe the music in a completely bespoke way in addition to using the existing ‘block’ structure and our pre-loaded transitions.

Clearness When Editing

Lastly, the main editing workflow in the App is going to receive some love so that everything is clear and presented in a step-wise fashion for convenience and speed of use. For example, the template won’t load until you select the version you need or have opened it from the ‘My sessions’ tab.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about this and welcome any feedback. As always, please simply email us at and we’ll add your suggestions to our public roadmap; the link to which you can find here: 

Try the Filmstro Scoring sliders yourself

Filmstro trusts you to know what’s best for your story. Take control by altering the power, momentum and depth sliders - and get a sense of how your videos could benefit from a bespoke track, matched to the emotional peaks in your content.

Give it a try! Click the play button and move the sliders...

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Find out why Filmstro is the next must-have addition to your post-production toolkit!

Check out this 1-minute Demo to see the power of Filmstro in action. Using an awesome Star Wars fan film as an edit, watch how to make real-time changes to a cinematic underscore to perfectly match the music to the visuals. Saving a ton of time and money! 


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