Filmstro Releases Online Version of its Music Editing Service

Filmstro announces an improved way for filmmakers and content creators to create custom music for their projects - all in the cloud.

After nine months of development, Filmstro are proud to announce the launch of the fourth version of their adaptive audio technology; the Filmstro WebApp. FilmstroPro V4 combines the original source code - that controls the behaviour of the three distinctive scoring sliders - with an entirely new code base that adds powerful new features into the mix.

The Beta for FilmstroPro V4 is now live and can be tried for free on Filmstro’s website. Existing customers will receive this new product as a complimentary companion to their existing Filmstro services which they can continue to use indefinitely. New and existing customers are invited to help shape the future of this product by contributing to a public roadmap and voting for features and making suggestions.

Filmstro Releases Online Version of its Music Editing Service

Filmstro is also proud to announce that all new music that has been added to the platform over recent months will now be released into the WebApp over the coming weeks and months to greatly increase the size of the catalogue.

Founder Seb Jaeger had the following to say: “I’m really excited to finally be able to release the product we imagined way back in 2015 when we were building the first version of Filmstro. We originally hoped to offer a browser-based solution, but the technology couldn’t quite handle the computational load of our adaptive audio format at the time. Thankfully that’s changed and our ideas are now in step with reality!”

Filmstro is a music tech company from Silicon Beach (aka Brighton) in the UK. Founded by composer Seb Jaeger and software architect Chris Young, Filmstro launched the world’s first consumer-ready adaptive music engine as a dedicated Mac App in 2016. Since then Filmstro continues to innovate in adaptive audio, and has helped over 200,000 filmmakers achieve more custom soundtracks with their proprietary music format.

Filmstro | Music that Moves.

Try the Filmstro Scoring sliders yourself

Filmstro trusts you to know what’s best for your story. Take control by altering the power, momentum and depth sliders - and get a sense of how your videos could benefit from a bespoke track, matched to the emotional peaks in your content.

Give it a try! Click the play button and move the sliders...

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Find out why Filmstro is the next must-have addition to your post-production toolkit!

Check out this 1-minute Demo to see the power of Filmstro in action. Using an awesome Star Wars fan film as an edit, watch how to make real-time changes to a cinematic underscore to perfectly match the music to the visuals. Saving a ton of time and money! 


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